
Natural vs Cultured Crystals

What's the difference?

Cultured Crystal Wands & Pendants

What Are Cultured Crystals?    
Sometimes referred to as “lab-grown crystals” or "lab-created crystals", cultured Quartz Crystals are created from the same minerals and chemicals as natural Quartz Crystals. The culture process produces crystals with the exact same crystalline matrix structures and hardness as natural crystals. 


Human-cultured crystals and gemstones are known to be as effective in moving energy as their natural counterpart as long as the quality and consistency in the development process are at the highest level.  


The clarity, sheen, and strength of Cultured Crystals are as good and even sometimes better than natural Quartz Crystals.

Cultured Crystal Pendants

How Are Cultured Crystals Created?
The object of crystal growth is to add more atoms and perpetuate the crystalline pattern. A seed crystal is used to provide the basic template, and the raw material (loose atoms) remains mobile by being vaporized, melted, or dissolved in a solution. 


Cultured Quartz Crystals are produced in large pressurized vessels, called autoclaves, at temperatures of 350 to 400 degrees Celsius and pressures of 10,000 to 30,000 pounds per square inch. The crystals are grown by forcing the unattached atoms in the growth medium to attach themselves to the seed.


In theory, this is relatively simple to do. But the reality is that making atoms go exactly where they’re required to go is not an easy or simple process. Thus, this is why it’s sometimes referred to as the “art and science of crystal growing.”



We can help. Please Contact Us for gentle guidance.

We can help you in your selections. Just choose up to 3 crystals from our online store & give us a call. We’ll be happy to provide a mini-energy session to test each crystal to ensure you’ll receive the healing crystal that best matches your energy for your healing journey.

Select up to 3 crystals from our online store & give us a call. We’ll be happy to provide a mini-energy session to test each crystal to ensure you’ll receive the healing crystal that best matches your energy for your healing journey.

Siberian Gold Crystal Wand

The Benefits of Cultured Crystals
Typically, Cultured Crystals
• are sustainable and environmentally friendly as they don’t require mining of the Earth, 
• on average, have more clarity, consistent quality, and are available in a large selection of sizes, shapes and colors, and
• are, in general, less expensive than natural stones.


Cultured Crystals are grown using the same laws of nature as when natural crystals are grown in various magma strata or bands.  Conventional wisdom assumes that crystals and gems take hundreds, if not thousands, of years to form. But the majority of natural crystals grow at the same rate as lab-grown or cultured crystal gemstones, usually within 2-12 months.


For a Cultured Crystal to have the correct geometric resonating signature, it’s essential that the billions of atoms that constitute its atomic lattice line up exactly like its natural counterpart. When this occurs, the major difference between the natural crystal vs its cultured counterpart is that the laboratory crystal, because it was formed in a controlled, non-disturbance prone environment, has fewer inclusions, color zones, pressure fractures, etc.


The gemological crystal structure and atomic matrix of the cultured crystals are in much more perfect symmetrical harmony. Jewelry made from cultured quartz may show the clear seed line within crystals that have had other elements added to produce color.


Ultimately, it’s a personal choice. Finding a healing crystal what will resonate with your vibrations and will support your intentions is crucial. We always recommend that you go with your intuitive wisdom in selecting any healing energy tool.